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BioAge is Proud to be a CompWellness Member and Sponsor Click for tutorial on SuperFoods

A Holistic Healing Association
Denver, Colorado | 1-302-586-8665* |

Complementary Healing eGuide
an online guide
Table of Contents:
More than 100 Modalities Described

Find a Complementary Healthcare Practitioner, Business or School by Modality

This robust eGuide describes more than 100 Complementary Healthcare modalities, sometimes called holistic, integrative or alternative. Written by practicing healthcare professionals, each chapter features a brief description, leading practitioners in Metro Denver, New Orleans, and elsewhere in the US, and usually features: some history, conditions treated, other benefits, qualifications of practitioners and relevant associations.
This online book is published through the support, enthusiasm and graciousness of the fine healthcare professionals and businesses listed in the Chapters and in the Members List. They have been recommended by clients and other professionals. Please Enjoy Their Services.
The publisher, authors, sponsors, editors, staff, authors, sponsors, professionals and organizations featured, described or otherwise mentioned within assume no responsibility for the quality of care or outcomes from the healing professionals, businesses and methods mentioned within this site.
Kenton H Johnson, MS, Executive Director/Publisher

We've created high-quality printed versions of this eGuide – as small books – in Metro Denver and Boulder County, Colorado, and one in Metro New Orleans, Louisiana. If you would like to explore creating a printed Guide in your area, as a full-time business, please contact us soon.

Table of Contents

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