What Are Superfoods?
Superfoods have been eaten by traditional cultures all over the world for millions of years.
Certain cultures have focused on a particular set of superfoods, as they have been readily
available in that particular climate. With many advancements in modern food technology,
we have been able to carefully dehydrate and store these superfoods for use in parts of
the world where they have not been previously available. That is why many superfoods are
not well known, as they have only been available over the past 20 years in other parts
of the world!
Superfoods are special foods that contain an extraordinary amount of naturally occurring nutrition.
Some call superfoods "green foods" (and rightfully so, as many superfoods contain extraordinary
amounts of chlorophyll, but not all superfoods are green foods). Some superfoods have been
included on lists of herbs. There is a fine line between "herbs" and "superfoods":
Herbs are medicinal plants that are used primarily in the traditional treatment of
sickness and disorder in the body. Herbs are not encouraged for constant usage, as
the body can become tolerant to these healing plants, decreasing their potency when needed.
Superfoods on the other hand, are foods that should be regularly supplemented to the diet
to complete the body's need for amino acids, trace minerals, vitamins and other trace
nutritional compounds.
In many traditional societies, superfoods of that culture have been revered foods,
foods taken with ceremony and taken with respect. For example, bee pollen and royal
jelly have been traditions of desert cultures, where bee keeping was a tradition,
while in aquatic regions kelps and algae have been used as dietary supplements, or
even mainstays of particular cultures.
Superfoods are special in that they provide a natural mix of nutrition.
Our modern scientists have gone a long way in detailing what they believe is
the amounts of nutrition that the human body requires for efficient performance.
These "RDA"s of nutrition have gone through many revisions over the past 20 years,
and actually, when you consider that these scientists have only just begun this
"chemical analysis" of what our bodies need over the past 30 years or so.
Did you know that most medical schools do not teach nutrition in their schools?
Did you know that vitamin K, now known to be required for proper blood nutrition,
was only just discovered about 15 years ago? Up until then, these "nutritionists"
did not know that your body needed this vitamin! How many more nutrients, especially
the trace ones, have we yet to discover? Are we willing to be the guinea pigs of
these "nutritionists" and make sure that we take only what they think that we need?
Of course not. There is another way. A way that puts our trust in a more trust-worthy
source: nature. Nature has been providing health in nutritional foods for many more
years than our scientists!
In fact, just recently it has been discovered that certain vitamins cannot be digested
or assimilated properly into the body without the appropriate naturally-occurring
"faciliators". These "facilitators" are catalysts for the proper and complete
digestion of certain nutrients. It has been determined that most of these
"facilitators" are naturally occurring in combination with these certain nutrients.
An example is vitamin C, which is more completely assimilated by the body when taken
in conjunction with bioflavinoids, which are usually co-existant with vitamin C in
fruits. This type of discovery should lead the logical person to question why we
are wasting so much time trying to re-create the perfect diet when natural has
already created it! All we have to do is add this perfect nutrition to our diets.
Just think of all of the compounds that are naturally-occurring on the smallest
and most minute levels in our foods...every day it seems there is a new announcement
that some food helps prevent certain dysfunctions. Will we ever know all of the natural
compounds that help keep us healthy? When it comes to supplementing, there is our
science's attempt at dietary supplements, i.e., vitamins and minerals that are
isolated or formed chemically in a laboratory, and then there is nature's dietary
supplements: superfoods! Trusting in nature seems to be the safest course.
Some superfoods contain every essential amino acid needed by the body for protein building.
Our bodies actually require raw amino acids to form our own unique proteins, which we create
into complex helixes, as opposed to requiring already-formed protein molecules. When the body
digests entire protein molecules that have been formed in another body, our digestive system
attempts to break off the amino acids that it requires in order making new protein molecules.
This is a very difficult process for the body, explaining why our bodies take so long to
digest meat meals as opposed to salads or fruit meals. But when we eat sources of simple
amino acids, like plant materials, our bodies take the amino acids off and mix and match
them to easily manufacture the protein molecules that are unique to our system, complete
with our own DNA. Grasses, algaes and kelps all contain extraordinary amounts of various
amino acids, completing our protein requirements. Spirulina, one of the most nutritious
superfoods, contains every essential and even most of the non-essential amino acids.
In fact, you can successfully replace every vitamin; mineral and protein supplement
on the market today with the proper mix of superfoods, and get the full array of nutrition.
Below we will cover some of the most highly respected superfoods and discuss some of their
properties. By no means is this an exhaustive list. Over time we will attempt to
continue to add more superfoods to the list as we have time.
Are you ready? Consultation Required -
email Fred Johnson or call him at 303-539-5321 (Metro Denver) / 877-288-9116 (Toll Free).
Superfoods: Synergetic Nutrition
Because superfoods are whole foods that have not been broken down or created by combination,
they provide "synergetic nutrition." Synergy means, "The whole is greater than the sum
of the parts." Synergetic nutrition is the process of eating whole foods rather
than extracts or isolated parts of whole foods. When a food enters the body in
the whole form it has all of the "co-factors," or related nutrients, needed to
process and assimilate nutrients that the body needs.
A whole food diet can replace a processed food diet very successfully,
requiring less calories and providing more nutrition and fiber. Whole
foods provide more assimilate-able nutrition. Refined, processed foods
have had most of the nutrition of the whole food removed during heating,
extraction, mixing or bleaching (which most of our shelf-stable foods have
undergone). In our modern world it is becoming increasingly difficult for
us to eat whole food in its natural state. This is where superfoods come in.
Superfoods can provide whole food nutrition in a concentrated form, as
superfoods contain higher amounts of natural nutrition than most foods.
Superfoods can also help the body digest nutritional foods with minimal
enzymes required. Digestive enzymes are needed every time food is ingested.
Processed foods require more digestive enzymes, as the starches and bleached
sugars and charred meats require extraordinary manipulation before the body
can extract any useable nutrition. Enzymatic processes are going on all over
the body, and the fewer energy that is required to digest food gives the
body more energy to exert in other parts of the body, leading to better
overall health.
Most superfoods are alkaline forming, especially green foods. Green foods
contain large quantities of chlorophyll, and the alkaline-pH helps balance
the acid-pH of many foods, especially processed foods. Our western diet is
full of acid-forming foods like sugar and meat.
Are you ready? Consultation Required -
email Fred Johnson or call him at 303-539-5321 (Metro Denver) / 877-288-9116 (Toll Free).
Eat Superfoods Today and Every Day
Our bodies will thrive from a consistent diet of superfoods. Superfoods contain
the very compounds that are bodies use everyday for healing, cleansing, building
proteins, strengthening bones and muscles, rebuilding tissues, recycling the
blood, replacing hair and nails, producing enzymes and many other millions
of activities that the body partakes in. With a broad spectrum of nutrients
being constantly available to the body, the body will react by doing all of
the things it does best better and more efficiently. You will find that there
will be many benefits of regular superfood intake: healthier hair, clearer eyes,
quicker thinking, more strength, more resistance to colds and flu, etc.
Superfoods can be taken with meals, before meals, after meals, or as meals
in themselves. Some superfoods, like garlic, may be better taken with other
foods if the stomach is sensitive. Other superfoods like wheat grass or barley
grass or algae, can be taken with water. It is recommended that any superfood
be supplemented with an extra intake of water. Water helps the body assimilate
the higher nutrition.
Superfoods should be combined properly. Some supplement suppliers simply
dump every superfood they can think of into a mixture, basically like
throwing everything against the wall, hoping that some will stick.
This strategy is not suggested for serious superfood diets.
Superfoods are better combined with similar superfoods to maximize the
co-factors as well as minimize the clashing of enzymatic activity and
absorption chemistry within the body. It's as basic as not over-mixing
our meals too much. Most people have experienced the pain of eating
too many types of foods at one sitting. Green foods like grasses and
algae can be mixed with success with starchy meals, for example.
Are you ready? Consultation Required -
email Fred Johnson or call him at 303-539-5321 (Metro Denver) / 877-288-9116 (Toll Free).
Let The Body Live With Superfoods
There are various ways to eat superfoods daily. One way is to spend
more time with our salads. The more raw parsley, spinach, broccoli,
and other vegetables that can be added to our daily meals, the better.
Also making nice soups with nice mixtures of beans, grains and vegetables
can be a very satisfying way to get more superfoods into the diet.
It's best to either eat superfoods raw, or to steam them, in order
to retain most of the nutrition. Soup cooking is good because the
soup water ends up being fortified. Most other "evaporator-style"
cooking processes cook out most of the nutrition from foods.
Because of our modern lifestyles, we often cannot get a good dose of
nutrition every day. Many folks in this category often turn to multi-vitamins
in hopes to catch all the nutrition. It is important to be aware of the
difference between superfoods and isolated, synthetic supplements.
Concentrated and isolated vitamins and minerals should be used for
therapeutic purposes and are not for extended use, as their massive
proportions can throw off other delicate balances in the body, causing
other issues. Some superfood products currently on the market are mixed
with chemically isolated vitamins and minerals. Be aware that these
mixtures are completely experimental, and have not been shown to be
any more beneficial than the superfoods alone. Be aware also that 100%
of recommended daily allowance does not mean 100% absorbtion.
An experiment with baby chicks and beta-carotene, for example,
showed that little or no effect resulted from synthetic dosage,
as opposed to a 10x absorbtion level for beta-carotene from dunaliella algae.
Whole food, especially superfoods, has conclusively been shown to
provide the best source of assimilated nutrients.
For those that would like to supplement their diets with superfoods,
there are now food processing techniques that preserve much of the
active elements in superfoods. These techniques include
dehydration by low-temperature drum-drying, spray-drying,
sun-drying, and freeze-drying. A stable temperature under
100 degrees farenheit and proper storage temperatures can maintain
superfoods in a highly-nutritional state for an extended period of time.
Then these dehydrated superfoods can be milled into powders and put
into capsules or tablets for easy consumption in our hectic society.
Are you ready? Consultation Required -
email Fred Johnson or call him at 303-539-5321 (Metro Denver) / 877-288-9116 (Toll Free).
Superfoods: Survival Food
Superfoods are perfect survival foods. That's because they
provide a natural source of easily-absorbed protein, vitamins,
minerals, antioxidants, and trace elements. Desert nomads and other
survivors have consumed superfoods through the centuries. Superfoods
are also easy to store, and will maintain their effectiveness (as long
as they are stored in a dry place out of the sun) for 3 years or so.
Superfoods also have certain medicinal properties that keep the Y2k
survivor in good mental condition as well. Superfoods in powdered
form are also convenient to store, ship and carry through the long journey.
BioAge provides what it knows to be the best Superfood available on earth at this time.
BioSuperfood has been developed and proven over the last 30 years to be most balanced and synergistic.
Are you ready? Consultation Required -
email Fred Johnson or call him at 303-539-5321 (Metro Denver) / 877-288-9116 (Toll Free).
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