Laraine Kyle, MS, RN, CS, CMT - CLICK TO EMAIL

Laraine Kyle, MS, RN, CS, CMT

P.O. Box 19241 .. Boulder, CO 80308
Office: (303) 545-2002 .. 888-282-2002 .. fax: (303) 444-0533

The Institute of Integrative Aromatherapy -- CLICK FOR WEBSITE

Laraine is the Co-Director of the Institute of Integrative Aromatherapy, which offers practical, proven methods to safely and skillfully incorporate Aromatherapy, Herbal Healing and Bio-Energetics into a professional practice as well as self care. Laraine teaches specialty Aromatherapy workshops for integrative healing and palliative care for the clinical setting. Laraine also maintains a private practice in Aromatherapy Massage and Skin Care. She is internationally certified in Aromatherapy with an extensive background in body work, guided imagery, meditation, and Applied Kinesiology. Laraine is a Founder of the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy, and is a member of the American Holistic Nurses' Association, National Association for Nurse Massage Therapy, and the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals.

  • Esthetician License, Sharon Doran's Academy, Longmont, CO, 1997
  • Post-graduate Aromatherapy Training, Shirley Price College, England, 1994
  • Aromatherapy Certification, London School of Aromatherapy, London, UK,1990
  • Educational Kinesiology, Levels I, II, Advanced and Teachers Certification, 1988
  • Imagery in Healing, Institute for the Advancement of Human Behavior,1984
  • Arica Training and Teacher Certification, Arica Institute, New York, NY,1972-3
  • Therapeutic Massage Certification, Luther Rice College, Alexandria, VA, 1972
  • Teachers Certification in Hatha Yoga, Swami Vishnu-Devananda, 1971
  • Master's of Science, Psychiatric – Mental Health Nursing and Education, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC (Sigma Theta Tau), 1969
  • Bachelor of Science, Nursing, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 1964
  • Compwellness Home Page .. Complementary Healing eGuide .. Aromatherapy Chapter

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