"The fundamental
cause of all degenerative disease is hypoxia... oxygen starvation
at the cellular level."
Otto Warburg Two-time Nobel Laureate Winner of the Nobel Prize
for Cancer Research 1931, 1944

How We Become
Oxygen Deficient
Oxygen, the most vital element on earth,
is our source of life. Humans can live weeks without water, months
without food, but only a few moments without oxygen! Our cells
need oxygen to remain healthy. . . and sustain LIFE!!
- Lower oxygen levels in the environment
compared to ancestral times deplete our oxygen intake.
- Devitalized, processed foods deplete the
body's oxygen supply.
- Heavy use of medications contribute to
toxic build-up and suppressed immune function.
- Breathing patterns & habits affect
the amount of oxygen our bodies absorb.
- Irregular aerobic exercise decreases oxygenation
to the entire body.
- Stress is a cause of oxygen deficiency,
depleting vitamins & minerals and producing stress related
Oxygen is needed to feel stronger, healthier,
and more alive! When we have this sense of well being, we are
more able to perform daily tasks and deal with the challenges
with greater resilience and sense of purpose.
Benefits of Cleansing

Your body is a perfectly designed self-cleaning
organism. It efficiently eliminates toxins through exhaling,
coughing, sneezing, sweating, urinating and moving the bowels.
Theoretically, your body should have the ability to eliminate
all normal metabolic waste matter as well as accumulated toxic
matter from breathing, eating and other environmental contacts.
Our modern lifestyles, unfortunately, inhibit
the natural functions of our body to perform efficiently. Cleansing
helps rid the toxic burden, thereby supporting the body's ability
to function normally and efficiently as well as preventing disease
causing toxic build-up.
Oxygen is necessary for the removal of
toxins in the body. Some conditions related to oxygen deficiency
- Depression Fatigue
- Irritability
- Memory loss
- Respiratory Conditions
- Circulation Problems
- Suppressed Immune System
- Muscle & Joint Discomfort
If the body's oxygenation process is weak
or deficient, the body cannot eliminate toxins adequately and
a toxic reaction may occur. This may lead to fatigue, dullness
and sluggishness. If this deficiency becomes chronic, our overall
immune system is weakened, making us vulnerable to a wide range
of diseases. |
The Oxygen Therapy
The Steam System is a great way to combine
the effects of steam sauna therapy and oxygen/ozone therapy in
an extremely comfortable and relaxing experience.
While the steam sauna relaxes and cleanses
the body through profuse sweating, it also provides a mild hyperthermic
effect, which raises the body temperature, activating the immune
system as well as utilizing about 200-400 calories during a 20-30
minute session. As oxygen & ozone are introduced into the
steam cabinet and combined with the water vapor droplets in the
steam, the body absorbs the life giving oxygen it so badly needs
while eliminating years of toxin build-up.
This total cleansing Increases tissue oxygenation
thus bringing about improvement in health and enhancing longevity.
You will leave your sauna session with softer, cleaner skin,
and a feeling of rejuvenation.
Tues. ~ Thurs. 9:00am ~ 7:00pm
Fri. ~ Sat. 9:00am ~ 3:00pm
O2 4 U makes
no medical clains or diagnosis. Information is for educational
purposes only. For any medical or health concern or condition,
please consult your physician.
Altman, Nathaniel: Oxygen Healing Therapies
McCabe, Ed: Oxygen Therapies
Viebahn, Renate: The Use of Ozone in Medicine
Bio/Tech News, Winter 1999
O2 4 U
Oxygen Steam
Therapies offers price packages to fit your health care needs.
You may schedule an appointment, or a package series, by contacting:
Connie Pshigoda
S a l o n I n f l u e n c e
7424 S. University Blvd.
Centennial, Colorado 80122
Phone: 303-584-1612
Email: OxySteam@aol.com |